Friday 29 January 2010

okay kids. let's do this.

it's take off time.

this is my last post as Sydney Swift.
i will miss you, and your fabulous google search results.
you were a wonderful step up onto
Looking For Samantha

i'll see you guys on the other side.

Thursday 28 January 2010

one thing i am certain of

everyone wants to talk about my future.
and all i want to do,
is go back to last summer.

pretty, unrelated picture for fun.

i just have no idea about my future.

but one thing i am certain of,
is my new blog.
tomorrow, 8PM GMT.

the link will be posted here, and all of the posts on this blog will be moved to the new one.
they might disappear from here after a month or so.
you will still be able to read my daily escapades on the new blog.
it's nothing spectacular, so please don't get your hopes up.
there is just a few things i needed to change.

see you tomorrow!

Wednesday 27 January 2010

"Joe, get a life."

i have so much work to do.
i'm going to ignore it.

it's my birthday in like five days.

OMG. okay. i have to tell you.
my director has literally just text me.
"just a friendly reminder, you now have under 168 hours until the performance.
i replied
"Joe, get a life."

he's lovely, and he's concerned for our performance and all. but i think i've got my lines down now. and he needs to stop worrying. although, he's thinking of starting a theatre company, and somehow it came into conversation that i write, and he asked me if i'd written plays. i said i wouldn't mind having a shot at it, and if he was ever looking for someone, to call me. because i'd like to at least try.
we had like a set rehearsal today, where we just blocked some of the scenes with our actual set for the first time. and when moving out a sofa, there was a mis-communication, leaving me with a rather badly bruised hand. trapping it between a sofa and a wall? generally not a smart idea. generally painful.

in other news
Kayleigh and i trooped down to our little cinema, to see Toy Story 2. in 3D.
ohhh it was sooooo good. i love seeing films i'm familiar with in a cinema. the experience is all different and you notice things you wouldn't have noticed before. like when they're looking for Woody in Al's Toy Barn, Buzz turns a corner, and behind him is a load of A Bug's Life merchandise. i know that Disney cross reference a lot of things in their films, but that particular one i'd never picked up on before.
and Toy Story was just made to be in 3D. it always looked 3D, and it's the first time i've watched a 3D film without my eyes hurting before. i cannot physically wait for Toy Story 3.

and The Princess and the Frog comes out next friday. and Youth in Revolt.
and i'm getting 500 Days of Summer for my birthday!
i'm such a movie fan, it's unreal.

Monday 25 January 2010

miles and miles and miles

firstly, i would like to point out that i am a fool.
and when i told you the date of my relaunch.
i meant the 29th of January.
not the 9th.

thank you Daisy for telling me.

last night, it was really late. like 11pm. when i am supposed to be asleep. and my phone buzzed. it was an email, from facebook. a friend left me a message saying he was moving. when i asked where, he replied: Scotland. which if you hadn't guessed is a friggen long way away from where i live. miles and miles and miles.
it might as well be the other side of the planet.

this, understandably, made me shocked/panic/upset. so i go to the trouble to get out my laptop, and try to find out what on earth is going on.

as it turns out.
it was a ploy.
a lie.
just to get me onto instant messenger.

i have never verbally abused somebody more.

in other news
we are having a careers week at our college, next week. all period 3 lessons are cancelled, and in return, we have to sign up to two careers talks - we can go along to more later if there are spaces available.
i've just signed up for mine. i chose American Studies. where a woman will talk about "studying an interdisciplinary degree aimed at understanding the culture of the US." which sounded pretty interesting to me. my second choice was Employment Overview where another woman will "discuss the employment opportunities available for students who have decided to go into employment after leaving college."
i haven't decided if i'm going to university or if i'll go into full time employment or if i'll take a gap year yet.
i have a lot of decisions to make.
and i'm hoping these talks will help.

Sunday 24 January 2010


so, about three years ago. for christmas.
my brother and i got laptops.
identical ones.
they still are our first computers.

this was three years ago though. and if you know anything about either me or my brother, you will know that we never come off our laptops. so much so, that now both of them are dealing with their own issues.
his wireless has never worked properly, and now, he can't get internet on it at all.
my speakers don't work, and my laptop won't turn on. so out of fear of it being turned off, and never turning back on again. i leave it on standby. all of the time.
this isn't healthy really.

my dad, in an attempt to fix my brother's wireless receiver, tried my wireless card in his laptop - as they are identical - and that didn't work. so instead, he installed a little wireless receiver thing in mine.
which is fine.
i don't understand why he did it though. my internet reception was fine before. and now if the internet cuts out, i can't fix it. which is so freaking annoying.

it's just so unnecessary. and i have enough technological things to worry about without having one more.

oh! i have to show you guys this.
it's a short film.
and it's pretty much the best short film i've ever seen.
"Wait. I don't want to be alone. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?"
the ending made me feel.
i'm not sure what it made me feel.
but it was good.
totally 100% worth watching.

and. since the whole tumblr thing has calmed down.
i'm relaunching on friday.
friday, 29th January 2010.
at 9pm GMT,
Sydney Swift will be no more.

be there, or be square.

Saturday 23 January 2010

i'm so materialistic.

i bought some new clothes yesterday!
about time really.

three tops, a dress, a pair of shoes, and some new footless tights. i still need some warm jumpers, and shoes. oh, and i've just noticed a hole in my skinny jeans. so another pair of those too.
i'm so materialistic.
i hate that about me.

i had such a lovely time with Kayleigh. it was about time we had an old fashioned catch up. there's nothing quite like sitting in a cafe with a warm drink and a best friend. especially when it's raining and horrid outside, and all you need is those few hours to turn your nasty week into a perfect one.

i had to ask for next saturday off work because of my stupid drama rehearsals.
we're performing in a week and a half.
i still don't know my lines.

i really didn't want to take saturday off work. it's the last saturday before my birthday, and i would much much much rather spend it with Emma and Laura than at college. that's not fun.

i'm currently watching this really cheesily produced show called 'So You Think You Can Dance'. oh my gosh, i wish i was as talented as these people. my dancing is horrific. so much so, that i don't dance. and i'd love to be that flexible.
we have a gym at our college, and i'm really tempted to get an induction, learn to use it, and then use it. but i'm unbelievably unfit, it's embarrassing.

maybe i'll just have to get my exercise walking to the sweet shop.

Thursday 21 January 2010


my eyes hurt.
my head hurts.
don't you hate headaches?

i started reading Lord of the Flies last night, just for recreational purposes. and so far, it is really good. i was so exhausted, but my brain was going:
"you just have to get to the end of the chapter, ten more pages. where is Ralph going to go next? five more pages. what is Piggy's real name? just keep reading. finished! ZZZzzzz...."
so yes. it is really good. written in the same sort of style as the Narnia chronicles. but with an injection of sinister behaviour.

i just got an email from the college:
"Mad about McLaren, Fanatical about Ferrari? If so, then join us on a trip to this years British Grand Prix on the 10th-11th July."
oh my gosh. i would so go. definitely. yes please.
"The cost of the trip is £175"

wait. WAIT.
how much?!
one hundred. and seventy-five. pounds.

um. can i pay you in chicken nuggets instead?
because that is ridiculous.
what kind of operation is this institution running?

in other news.
feel free to donate to my college fund.
just call 0800-my-college-takes-the-7477

Wednesday 20 January 2010

i like it more than Avatar

over the next month my blogs will get pretty short and thin.
i'm in the middle of a lot of coursework deadlines.
but i'll still read your blogs.
every day.

so, today i caught up on a lot of my homework, which was really good, and productive. and i'm pretty pleased with myself. and i finished all of my filming for media.
and i passed my statistic/key skills coursework, which means i have less work to do! wahoo!

in other news,
i'm so exhausted, my emotions are all over the place. it's unreal.
i can't remember the last time i had a full, dreamless, uninterupted sleep.
oh i miss those.

and Glee is in the UK!
which is amazing. and i love it. it's so fantastic. the way i feel when i'm watching it is just unexplainable. it's the best American musical thing i have ever seen.
i like it more than Avatar.

and i am finally getting to see Kayleigh on friday. i miss her so much. i can't believe we spend so little time together anymore. we used to see each other six days a week, five at school, one in town shopping. now maybe once a fortnight? we are both super busy and stressed out and trying to cram everything in. and i really really despise college for doing this to us. still, she is always only a text or an instant message away. but it's not the same.
i'm so happy i get to spend some time with her.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

lovely x 1000

i did a ten hour college day today.
six and a half of which was drama rehearsals.

basically, in our group, there are four of us.
Charlotte - lovely x 1000
Joe - he's nice. when he's not directing.
James - is so funny.

we rehearsed all through lunch, and then for another two lessons.
and then we went into town for pizza.
we walked all the way back to college.
and sat outside on a bench as the sun was going down,
eating our pizza in the cold.

all of the impromptu stuff that happens is fantastically unreal.
the class is just perfect.

i love doing drama.

Monday 18 January 2010

posi/nega tivity

i had another driving "lesson" yesterday.
i'm seriously getting better.
i really enjoyed it too.
watch out lewis hamilton.

everybody is so negative.
it's really true. if you're on the internet, you're generally a really negative person who wants to complain that people's opinions are wrong or how an actress has put on a few pounds , that a youtube video wasn't funny or a blog was boring, etc.etc.etc.
i do it too, i'm not that much of a hypocrite. yes i complain about getting up early, and about chapped lips, when i'm cold and when i'm tired.
but at the end of the day, i know that i have access to food, chapstick, a comfortable bed, and that yes, i do have to get up early but it's to get a good, free education which i have been given.
although sometimes, i feel like i don't deserve this education. why should i get it? over those who work and study hard, and want to be educated.
take the people in Haiti. who are still being pulled alive from the rubble. they have all the reason in the world to be negative, but instead, we are. the people in their homes with their families and friends and education and a future ahead of them. and all they want to do is discuss how bad their life is.

maybe we should all take something negative and make it a positive.
for example,
tomorrow i have to do a six hour drama rehearsal.
but i get to spend six hours with three of my great friends.

we live in an unfulfilled society.
i wish we could change.
and just be happy with our lives.


Friday 15 January 2010

i'm more of a sandals kind of girl

i had to get up at half six this morning
it was so early.

i complain too much.

so, Elly and i were in town after college - they finally sent a double decker bus, after an entire term of standing and squishing and leaving people behind, they finally sent a double decker. and she was looking for some new clothes and stuff, we were generally just mooching around our grotty town centre in hope of finding anything decent. and then she stops me and this is what happened.
Elly: hey, isn't that Jake*?
Me: yeah, it is.
we walk past, looking expectantly at him.
and he totally blanks us.
he 100% knew we were there, heard us, saw us, the whole package. and he just carried walking. Elly and i agreed that:
it's nice that we spent five years together and now you won't even acknowledge us in public.
what are you going to do about it though?
that's what.

i also realised how few clothes/shoes i have recently. with all the snow turned into icy slush, each pair of shoes i've worn recently has turned out to be very... holey. my feet are always really cold, and when i get home, i realise they've been wet all day. so i'm stuck wearing trainers until i get some new ones. it's not that i don't like trainers. i just don't pull them off very well. i'm more of a sandals kind of girl. and it's just not warm or dry enough for those yet.
and i really need some new clothes. i've got to that stage where i just hate everything in my wardrobe, nothing's right, it's all old and dull and boring. i had to throw my favourite jumper away earlier because that also had a hole in it.
what do i do to my clothes?!
do i really treat them that badly?

i hate clothes shopping.
i always come back with stupid things.
it's a vicious circle.


*i thought i best change the name, just in case. his name isn't actually Jake.

Thursday 14 January 2010


you guyyyysssss.
you're all so friggen sweet.
i don't mean sweet as in:
i mean it like:
"he bought me flowers, it was sweet."

you know.

all the comments and followers and genuine love i've been getting from you guys, it makes me not want to change the blog. but it's happening. soon. this month maybe. just soon. so be prepared.

it doesn't mean i don't love you.
i love you more.


last night, for my dad's birthday (after the lunch at the empty pub) we went to see Avatar. now, i know how everyone goes on about how freaking-awesome-it-is-and-oh-my-gosh-it-was-so-good-i-went-to-see-it-twice-and-i-want-this-place-to-exist-and-i'm-going-into-a-depression-because-it-doesn't blahblahblah. i thought, technologically, it was flawless. the 3D was done supremely. the ideologies behind the film were, well, nice. it's the whole look after your planet thing. sort of Wall E meets Jurassic Park meets Pocahontas.
yes, i said Pocahontas. the storyline of people invading a foreign land in search of precious (expensive) metals, with the intention of either forcing the natives out of their homeland or murdering them. then one of the intruders falls for a native, and they begin an illegal romance. one of the influential tribe members is killed by the intruders, then all hell breaks loose and they call upon members from different tribes to come and help them fight for their homeland.

i'm not kidding you, it is exactly the same.
it was an okay movie though.
way too hyped for my liking.
but not as good as transformers, if i'm honest.

today was average. until we got on the bus home.
this really really drunk middle aged guy staggered onto the bus, laughing like a maniac. he stunk of liquor. and spent the entire journey talking to these 13 year old boys about illegal drugs, and taunting one of them because he was on crutches due to a skiing incident. it was just very unexpected for 5:30pm on a thursday afternoon/evening.

if i haven't said it before.
i live in such a delightful little town.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

snow day #4

today is my dad's birthday.
he is 45.
i told him that makes him old.
i don't think he appreciated that very much.

after another several inches of snowfall last night, the buses are being considerably temperamental, so i'm not going to college again (YES!). therefore, we are going out to lunch at a nearby pub, and then maybe off to the cinema to see Avatar - as i might just be the only person left on Earth who hasn't seen it? i don't know, it looks like a lot of over-grown smurfs to me. but that depends on the snow.
we are also the only people booked into the pub today. it looks like we're going to be waited on hand and foot. excellent!

i wish everyone doing exams this week good luck.
and travel safe.

also, you know Chloe and her comedy filled blog about married life? well, she's holding a giveaway until next monday - so get over there and enter. it's free, it's fast, what have you got to lose?

have a good wednesday!

Tuesday 12 January 2010

time flies

today's been one of those days where i just can't really be bothered.
the best part was when our substitute media teacher began a rant about how programmes like Jerry Springer / Jeremy Kyle are abusive toward class and poisonous for society.
then we watched a clip of the shows. they were really quite funny.
so maybe they are abusive toward the under class, and maybe they do infect society - but it's fun to watch from a superior point of view.

oh! i made a note earlier to tell you about my friend Elly. i've mentioned her before, and she has just recently got herself a little tumblr blog! it's called tempus fugit - which is latin for time flies i believe. so if you have a spare minute check that out.

it's my birthday in three weeks!
i'll be 17.
what are you getting me?
i'm not really making a big deal out of it this year, because unfortunately it's right in the middle of my coursework deadlines. i can't afford to take any time out. which is really disappointing. i'll just have to celebrate virtually instead.
twitter party, feb 1st.
be there, or be square.

speaking of twitter, i'm now one follower away from 100. this is really surprising as i lead such a mundane life. i've also got a bunch of new followers on here too. so hello! i hope you like me writing about stuff! maybe i should tell you a little about me?

i'm accessible 24/7. i blog at least three times a week. i am always on the internet. i like pretty things. i like things that are not so pretty. i am a girl.

i think that covers who i am.
tell me who you are in the comments!
i want to get to know my followers better.

Monday 11 January 2010

Post Exam

well, i just finished my first ever A Level exam.
i say just, it was about two hours ago.
it went okay, i did all but two of the questions. however i really don't want to jinx it. i'm just so glad it's over, i had a bit of a stress out yesterday. i say a bit, it was pretty catastrophic.
whoever wished me luck, thank you. i feel like it helped.

i'm writing this in college, but on the terrible little app on my google homepage. why? because access to blogger is blocked it's classed as "Social Networking and Personal Sites." which is a lie. sorry, i thought facebook was social networking? i guess i was misinformed...
this is why sour middle aged people shouldn't run the internet. they don't understand and they get things wrong.

i'm currently listening to my iPod, which is playing christmas songs. maybe i should take them off now? nobody's rocking around the christmas tree anymore. it was taken down last week.

i have to go get educated now.
have lovely mondays!

Sunday 10 January 2010

quality over quantity

i was doing well on my one-blog-a-day-secret-resolution.
but then i had nothing to write about yesterday.
quality over quantity guys.

anyway, tomorrow i have my first ever real A Level exam. marking my first quarter of college education. one year and a half left to survive.
the exam is maths. no calculator. brainy algebra/geometry stuff which i can't do. i struggled through GCSE maths, let alone A Levels.

i don't even know if the buses are running tomorrow. which will be interesting. it's still pretty snowy out.
my parents obviously think it's still a good idea to have our garden furniture out. idk.

oh, also! you remember i told you about baby peanut? my boss's unborn fetus?
yeah. they found out the sex today.
i am finally going to have someone to share my love of disney with,
it's a girl!
she's not due until June, but how exciting! a little baby girl.
they're looking for name suggestions for her too,
so please, leave any ideas in the comments!

and please wish me luck on my exam tomorrow.

i hope you are all having lovely weekends!

Friday 8 January 2010


i went out last night and had a bit of a snow fight with my brother.
it was less throwing snowballs, more kicking snow in his direction.
although i did get him right in the back of the neck.apologies for the quality - it was dark
if i'm ever going to use the word epic, this is where i'd use it.
i've probably used it before, but we'll gloss over that.

i also downloaded his Lady Gaga CD onto the computer last night. i know, i'm so mainstream. but, it's his CD? when he got it for christmas, my reaction was ".... did you ask for that?" apparently he did.

this is my third snow day. hurrah! i genuinely feel for all of those who still have to make their ways to school and work at this troublesome weather time. travel safely!

i plan to go out later and enjoy the snow with a friend, so i guess i better start putting layers on now.
in closing:

i love the french bit in 'Bad Romance'

ps: hello new readers/commenters/followers! i seem to be getting new followers on twitter too. i must be doing something right...

Thursday 7 January 2010

snow days: part 2

so after all of the excitement that it snowed and look at all the snow and isn't it great? wahoo! i decided that i better get in some studying before i went out to play in it.
so i got up, showered, put my pj's back on, crawled back into bed and wrote an essay, planned and essay, edited another essay, got a considerable way through my literature reading and learnt a whole bunch of my lines. in like four hours.
snow clearly makes me super productive.
i really wanted to go out and play in the snow, but having my friends live between fifteen minutes and an hours walk away, it was just not probable, nor safe to walk that distance while it was still snowing. (and my parents didn't want me walking for an hour in it anyway, but that's a different story altogether).
i then got around to baking these really cute Percy pig cakes i got for christmas.

Percy pigs are these little sweets you get in the UK, they're like gummy sweets shaped like a pigs head. it sounds a lot weirder when you have to describe them, but trust me. they are addictively good.
the cups were only like an inch big, so we managed to eat all twelve within five minutes. they were good though.
and i web-chatted until the early hours of the morning - because that is always a good idea.

today, after receiving news yesterday evening that college was going to remain closed, i had an epic lie-in and watched transformers. second most favourite film ever. possibly first. i'd rather not choose.
and my jewelry came! huzzah! a new belly bar, a retainer for it, and two fake stretchers. one of the fake stretchers is broken though, and i don't know whether to send it back and ask for a replacement or not? decisions, decisions.
the buses are currently not running to my college, and if they're not tomorrow, it looks like i won't be going back to college until monday. which is good. but i seriously need to knuckle down to some math revision.

EDIT: they've just shut college tomorrow as well. oh freaking yes.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

two words. SNOW DAY

it's 9:30 am in southern england.
it's been snowing consistently since midnight.
there's more inches of snow than i've ever seen in this town.
everything is shut for miles and miles.
including the bus service and my college.
i could have stayed in bed but i was too excited.
it feels like christmas all over again.
it's still snowing, and there's more to come apparently.
the news is broadcasting all this morbid stuff
apparently snow is out to kill us all.
they had to call in the military to rescue stranded motorists.
see, it's dangerous.
if you're dumb.
i really hope college is closed tomorrow.
pray for me?
i really want to grab a pair of skis and find a hill.
i'm going to go and play in the snow now.
have wonderful days!

Tuesday 5 January 2010

i just posted this without a title. lol: EDIT

it's snowing really hard currently.
all of the other colleges in the surrounding area have shut.
except for mine.
i knew i should have gone to the local one.

anyway, so you know i have an exam next monday? well in my free periods at college i have been studying. not for maths. are you insane? no, i've been studying html codes. today, i was inspired by Chloé and made a favicon. that's the little picture on the tab - twitter for example, has a light blue 't', YouTube, has it's logo. and i made one. i've yet to try it out. i really want this new blog to look good.

my jewelry is supposed to arrive tomorrow morning. i bought some fake ear stretchers and some new belly bars. because all of a sudden i've become hardcore? i don't know, i wanted them, so i bought them, basically.

i really advise you never to buy a new game close to an exam. i downloaded tap tap revenge 3 over the weekend. i am addicted. i have already discovered Sparks the Rescue and Owl City through it. amazing bands.

and currently i have a small circular mark on my hand where a friend decided he was going to bite me, very hard, for about two minutes. that was three hours ago. i still have a mark.

anyway, enough about me.
how was your day?

Monday 4 January 2010

epic omegle win!


you know people?
you know they all act differently?
you know how sometimes, the way people act, just annoys you?
like, so much that you want to kick something very very hard?
so hard that you know you're only going to hurt yourself, but you want to do it anyway?

yeah. i would very much like to kick something right now.

in other news
i'm back to college. and i had a lovely play on omegle last night; oh, that odd site.

Stranger: looking for horny girl with hot pics to show me
You: excellent. i'm a unicorn.

children, always talk to strangers.
it's the perfect opportunity for hilarity.

Sunday 3 January 2010

Goals & Aspirations

after yesterday's 'things i have accomplished: 2009 version'
i thought i best do a 'things i want to accomplish: 2010'

first and foremost, i'd like to survive the year. i have a feeling it's going to be a particularly tough one. but here's a guideline to what else i'd like to do.
  • learn to drive.
  • pass my driving test (fingers crossed).
  • spend a day at the beach with friends.
  • two words: road trip.
  • attempt to get B's in my AS levels (big final exam at the end of 1st college year).
  • gain some sort of fitness.
  • keep all of my internet activities updated, i'd hate to forget this little online journal.
  • go to concerts.
  • spend some time in London.
  • get through at least some of this little library i have building up in my bedroom...
  • learn some new skills.
  • work really freaking hard to save money for post-college activities.
and maybe, just maybe
try to snap out of the daydreaming/procrastinating state i live in.
but let's at least try to keep this realistic.

any goals or plans for 2010?

Saturday 2 January 2010


so, let's review 2009 shall we? i...
  • had a disney princess themed birthday party, where all of my friends dressed up as disney princess's, we watched disney films, played pass the parcel and behaved like five year olds.
  • got my iPhone. i don't know how i ever lived without it.
  • had my first snow days where we didn't have to go to school.
  • saw Fall Out Boy in concert. March 6th. best night ever.
  • started a blog.
  • became amazing friends with fellow blogger Daisy
  • found a little private place in school to hang out. that sports hall corridor held some brilliant times.
  • passed my grade 4 in piano with a merit.
  • performed in a musical alongside all of my best friends.
  • fell in love with London after multiple trips with friends.
  • held spontaneous picnics.
  • went to many, many school concerts, and even organised one.
  • attended prom. mind-blowingly emotion filled night.
  • graduated with 13 gcse's.
  • received an award in english literature.
  • visited Cyprus for the first time.
  • experienced ten full days without any internet - it was awful.
  • got my navel pierced.
  • participated in many instant messaging/webcam conversations past 2am.
  • had the longest, most beautiful summer i could ever have wished for.
  • started college.
  • got my long hair cut off - big deal for me.
  • made some wonderful new friends.
  • saw Micheal McIntyre live.
  • visited Center Parcs for pre-christmas funtimes with the cousins.
  • discovered twitter/dailybooth/nerdfighteria/John Green/Maureen Johnson, etc.
  • got a car!
and found other things like:
500 days of summer,
kids in glass houses,
the cab,
hey monday,
believers never die.

there's possibly more, but you get the idea
it's been a busy year.

hey, what did you do in 2009?

Friday 1 January 2010

here's to us

welcome to 2010!
i hope you all had a wonderful night.
and i hope you can remember what you did.

now i don't ever make a big deal over new years, maybe it's because i'm not old enough to drink yet when everyone else is paralytic? instead we went over the Cousin Kayleigh's house and had a meal and some drinks. but it was just nice to hang out somewhere warm and cosy.
lately i've been conforming to the 'typical teenager' and hanging out on street corners at night.
it's not as bad as it sounds, i promise you.

this is my first Christmas/new year with the blog.
it feels like some special anniversary.
so here's to us.
and the fact that in a few weeks you will be something completely different.
but i will only love you more.

today is also exactly one month until i am 17 and can legally drive (in the uk)
although my dad did take me out for half an hour yesterday to this old car park.
it's safe to say that driving is not my hidden talent.
i kind of suck.
