Monday 30 March 2009

Cats Cats Cats

After reviewing my previous writing, there is an element of definite sadness. That has to go.
I have been a huge fan of Stumble Upon (an internet-famous, addictive add-on for Firefox) for a while now; it's where I get the majority of the photos I use from. This has brought to my attention the extremely high proportion of cat images on the internet. It begs me to ask the question why? What is this obsession with our feline friends? Maybe it is because I myself do not own a cat, so I am not at liberty to understand this obscure phenomenon that has swept the internet like a hurricane. And yet, for someone who does not fully understand this trend, I am fluent in Lolcat and more than familiar with the likes of Ceiling Cat.

Friday 27 March 2009

Contentment & Exhaustion

This picture pretty much describes my mood right now, I thought it would be easier than giving you a thousand words...
I won't lie, I've had this blog a lot longer than I'm letting on, and only today did I figure out how to change my background. This makes me very happy, like when you get an ice cream with all of the toppings, and it just looks so good.
Setting up this blog has been one of those things I really wanted to do for a while now. Generally, I'm not very good in the commitment department to these sorts of things; however I will force myself to keep this going.