Monday 31 August 2009

i watch too many films

okay. firstly, i promise to stop using this place as like, a shrine to The Best Friend.
today, i popped a thank you card through my grandparents front door as they gave me some money for passing my exams. (although i hate walking to my grandparents house, they live on a not-very-nice estate and i always get leered and shouted at by some unemployed, uneducated boys. ugh. just because i wear dresses does not give you the excuse to comment on my legs or ass. thankyouverymuch)
and then i went to watch The Time Travellers Wife with my parents. oh my gosh. it was so sad. i don't cry at films, because it's just like a rule of principle, or something else that sounds smart. but i just don't. i won't let my parents see my cry and that's just the way i am. however, i had to fight some serious tears in that film. poor Eric Bana.

and i'm probably going to see 500 Days of Summer with the work friends on friday. i think zooey deschanel is one of my favourite actresses, she's like effortlessly amazing.
and the Hannah Montana Movie is out on dvd on monday! i am so hyped. too hyped. way too excited over that fact. while everyone else is walking into their school or college i am going to be buying that film and watching it over and over and over. and learning the hoedown throwdown properly.
while i'm on the subject of films, i went to see Bandslam on thursday. and it was really really good. i was really surprised. and i even totally fell in love with the incredibly geeky character Will Burton. he knew his music. since thursday i've had three songs from that film going around in my head. the final number 'everything i own', their cover of one of my all time favourite songs 'i want you to want me' and the amazing 'someone to fall back on'. wow. that last song i love. so much. the lyrics hit me hard. they're so beautiful.

"i am no prince,
i am no saint,
i am not anyones wildest dream,
but i will stand behind
and be someone to fall back on"

Sunday 30 August 2009

i guess this is growing up?

i really hate how nobody posts over the weekend. this is when i actually have time to read the posts. and then there are none.

i found a coat! at last. after like a bazillion years of looking (a month and a half tops). yet, there's a problem of the fact that it is about ninety pounds. but delivery is free! still, i don't really want to pay that. it's either the coat or the pretty bag... so maybe i'm just going to be cold for a little while until it's on sale?
also, i wrote my CV today. it took me all day. and it's not even a page, however it's very professional. i would hire me.
i got my job in the dog grooming salon because one day, while my father was walking the dog, he decided to ask around this little business centre for jobs for me, without telling me. next thing i know, i get a phone call asking me if i wanted to do half a days unpaid work at Mucky Pups Dog Grooming Salon to see if i liked it. so i went. i stayed the whole day, and went home with £2o. since then, every saturday i roll out of bed at 8:30 and half an hour later, i'm washing a dog.

i also need to make a decision about going back to piano lessons. soon. i really enjoyed it, i love actually playing the piano, although learning a piece is so tiresome. and my teacher is an ass and doesn't help at all. i think he likes to make me cry out of desperation. i would teach myself, but i kind of suck. even with a merit at grade four.

decisions, decisions.

super big happy surprise time!

who wants to enter a giveaway? who wants to win something?!
really, you?
well, tough. because i'm not doing a giveaway.
that was a bit mean; well okay. i'm not doing a giveaway... yet.
so i thought really long and hard about doing a giveaway. like i spent hours thinking about it. however, i decided that i didn't have enough followers or regular visitors to make it fair. i think having a one in five chance of winning makes it a lot less exciting than say having a one in twenty chance of winning.
that, is the catch. i will have my first giveaway once i have twenty+ followers. this also gives me time to think of something to give away.
please bear in mind that it's taken me since march to get five followers. so at this rate you're looking at about november next year...
i will definitely stick to this as a promise though.
there will be a giveaway (and a good one at that) once i have more than twenty followers!

Saturday 29 August 2009


so, we have a brand new, top of the range, fantastically live, wasps nest.

but on the plus side, I AM ONLY ONE POST AWAY FROM 100!

posts that is. and that's got to be some sort of achievement right? making this whole blogging thing, like, a success... wow.
and i know i said i had a surprise for you when that 100th post comes, and i have planned a surprise, but it's a lame one. like a really super lame one.
i planned out a post for today about why i started this blog and whatnot, and then i got all emotional and girly and sad and decided it just wasn't the right time.
so here's my awesome to-do list for the next week:
  • write a CV
  • fill out college applications
  • choose college courses
  • enrol at college
  • sort out my bank account ie. get one
  • arrange an outing with estranged friend
  • buy the fantastic bag i saw yesterday. maybe.

let's freaking do this!

Friday 28 August 2009


so i've written a post similar to this one before. however that was to make a point. this is just to tell you how much i absolutely adore this film.
last night, it was pretty late, and i was considering just going to sleep, because i knew i had to be at Elly's by ten for cake-making-disaster times. then, i flicked over to a channel which was playing this movie:
now, i practically jumped out of bed, because it had only just started. Rosalee hadn't even said the 'Piggly Wiggly' bit yet! i honestly wish i could just buy a copy of this film for everyone, because i love it so much, and feel that if you haven't watched it you are missing out big time. i just want to copy and paste all of the quotes from imdb right now. but i'm not going to. because i trust you to check them out yourself. look this is even a link for you. CLICK NOW PLEASE.
i realised the three reasons why i love this film so much last night.
  1. Josh Duhamel, gahh. he's beautiful. the kind of guy you want to dip in chocolate and... well, you know. he plays Tad. and is also in the Transformers films, which are also some of my favourite films of all time *ahem*. but! i am not the kind of girl to fall in love with and have obsessive tendencies toward people i have never even met. although, if i met him i might just do. honestly though, i have enough trouble with people named Josh as it is, haha.
  2. the fact that this film is so well written. there's barely a bad line. the plot flows flawlessly. and the characters are unbelievable. Tad is played flawlessly, with all the arrogance and innocence you expect from an overprotected movie star. Cathy, the main character's best friend, is just indescribably, inappropriately, hilarious. Angelica the barmaid, is way too smart to be a barmaid but the character fits perfectly. and speaking of perfect, i love Pete. the dorky, skinny, sarcastic, totally completely madly in love with his best friend for like twenty odd years. i think secretly, everyone wants one of those best friends who has loved them all along.
  3. i am Rosalee Futch. the small town, wholesome, trapped-in-her-piggly-wiggly-wishing-for-the-prince girl. so it's like i can relate to her.
i promise you, this film is amazing.

i know the picture quality is bad, this just shows you how bad you have to watch the movie!
and i am so upset it's not on itunes.

i can't keep a secret.

i've had such a busy day today.
this morning i pretty much launched myself out of bed, showered, ate my pancakes (i love my mum) and then was off to Elly's house. all before 10am. Elly wanted to make this cake as a surprise for her boyfriends birthday; it's a scaled down model of his treasured car. it's such a good idea, so romantic, and really shows how much she loves him. but she has to make eight cakes, carve them and ice them. that's a lot of work and time. my poor, smitten best friend.
so, with our usual amount of disaster we just about managed to make the cakes. i even cracked several eggs using only one hand! and then my mother arrived and whisked me off for lunch. she treated me to whitebait as a) it's one of my favourite foods b) the one i had in Cyprus was disappointing and c) a well-done for passing my gcse's.
she then passed me an envelope - inside was a cheque for £100, along with another £100 cash.
and then she took me shopping and bought me a brand new bag for college. the picture's off the website, and not that great honestly. still, the actual bag is gorgeous; and it goes with my new booties! there was another bag i liked, but it was not practical, not big enough, and way more expensive. however, it was beautiful.
now i just have to track down a coat for college... any ideas where i might get one?

Thursday 27 August 2009

i better get a big present.

so today i got my gcse results.
now i expected to get, four c's, seven b's and maybe two a's if i was lucky.
but as it turns out i only got one c in one of my ict qualifications. and two b's, the other ict one and additional science. then a whopping five a's, breaking down to, english, english lit, maths, science and geography. and finally, a distinction star BTEC in performing arts; that's the equivalent of four a stars.
which is pretty good i guess. although it doesn't help having stupidly smart friends, and there comes a point where you do feel like the dumb one. even my parents don't seem that happy.
but they keep going on and on about it, like i want to talk about it. when the truth is, i'm a bit disappointed at the results, and i don't want to talk about it. the four a*'s don't really count, it's a BTEC qualification. technically, i got no a*'s. and once again i come out feeling average.

although i did get interviewed for the local radio station. which my hairdresser heard and rang my mum to congratulate me.
i personally blame the fact i stupidly opted for the t-shirt and jeans option.

i think i need an apple mac to feel better.
feel free to donate money to my cause.

Wednesday 26 August 2009


i just had my hair cut. but it's not short enough. in a few weeks, i'm going to get me a bob.
i also just had my first of three HPV jabs. and wow, the nurse really stabbed that into my arm. a little more violent than i expect a nurse to be really...

in other news.
my beautiful belly button piercing looks gorgeous now it's all clean and shiny. although this morning it pretty much killed when i cleaned it. i'm terrified of touching it too much, which is a good thing considering like a bruise, it is painful when touched. but it looks good. so yay!

and i really suck at sleeping at the moment. well. for like the last month. and i don't know why, because i go through like months and months of not being able to sleep properly, i think it's semi-somnia (google it) and it is so annoying. and the suddenly, out of the blue, like a polar bear wearing a tutu, i will get a full, uninterrupted nights sleep. and huzzah! i get a couple of weeks of bliss! and then it's back to the torture. you have no idea how annoying it is.

and finally.
i get my gcse results tomorrow. this doesn't bother me, as much as this: i don't know what to wear. this is possibly the worst thing that could have happened. if you get really good results, (which is unlikely, but realistically, could happen) they put your picture in the local paper. and i want to look good. plus nearly everyone from my year is going to be there, and i want them to think i look good too. however, the weather forecast doesn't look great, and i don't want to be rained on in a pretty dress. so, what do i dooooo?! pretty dress, nice skirt & top, or casual jeans & t-shirt?

Tuesday 25 August 2009


so, the big surprise (which really isn't a big surprise at all) has happened!
and i'm so happy with it. and i love it. and it's beautiful. today, after work, at 4:47pm, i got my navel pierced! i was going to post a picture, but after the numbing gel wore off it bled. and because i don't want to play with it too much i haven't been brave enough to clean it yet. so yeah, i'm not posting a bloody picture of a bit of metal in my body. ew.
but! speaking of brave...
i, the girl who hates pain, and flinches at everything and nearly cried when i scratched the back of my hand this morning (owch, by the way) did not even move. my 'superiors' at work took me to get it done and i quote;
'you didn't even flinch! if you were in pain, it seriously didn't look like it'
gahhh, i love these girlies so much.

but i have to work tomorrow. and i know i'm going to get it knocked and scratched and every dog is going to be out to get me, and it's going to hurt and bleed, and i'm going to want to go home. however. i love this little bit of metal. so much!

i would also like to say a wonderfully welcoming hello to my beautiful new followers. you have no idea how happy you make me.
have a pretty picture:

ps. i really want to go to Edinborough, and London

Sunday 23 August 2009

update: i hate boys.

so the other day, i was sad. today i'm hyper. and kind of angry, in a good way.
firstly, hellooooo! i don't feel i treat you like i treat other humans - or you know, a massive electronic thing which has swept the globe dominating everything ever, ie, the internet - but i sometimes feel like i should use the stereotypical conversational rules just to make you more comfortable, and to make it a tiny bit more personal. like i'm talking to you. yes, you.
anyway. for those who actually care; my oreo truffles went down a storm. i got the recipe here. go and make them, they look uber weird but taste so incredibly good.
now, recently i've had this strange... i don't want to use the word feeling again in this post, although, it's the only one which fits. and now i know what it is. it's like the second i became/become a "college student" there's this stereotype of 'you must have a job, you must have a boyfriend, you must look perfect and if you're not smart you will just die'. and i want to make it clear, that i do not want that.
i mean, i want to be smart and good at school, and i love my job. but that is not all that i am. i am not a geek. i work hard on my appearance too. i really love going for a run, and doing my hair and make-up and shopping. the only thing i really don't want the hassle of right now is "the boyfriend". there's only so much i can do. it's not what i consider a necessity, and after reading such experiences on a fellow bloggers blog, it is painful. and when i have so much else going on, everything has to be prioritized, and unfortunately one has to go. the others are too important really. nevertheless, i never rule things out completely, and for some reason i'm almost, angry at boys. because i know the minute i get to college i'm going to melt into this girly mess fluttering eyelashes, tossing hips and flicking hair. and it makes me so angry that the mere presence of cute adorable guys makes me into this.

it's not all bad. i kinda like it.

Friday 21 August 2009

it could be worse...

why i'm sad:

i'm making oreo truffles. and due to the fact that there is no definitive recipe anywhere on the
internet, they look totally different to the last time i made them and are probably going to suck.
i'm really really tired. i haven't had an uninterrupted nights sleep in a month.
i am never going to finish my list.
i've gone to get something twice now, and both times i was refused. when
i want one of those effortless chats rather than one where i struggle. with someone familiar rather than someone new. someone i don't need to impress.

i'm going to have to impress people and make friends at college. when let's face it; i'm a bit of a whiny weirdo.
i have a dentist appointment, a jab and a hair appointment next week.
the euro millions draw is going to be announced tonight. and i'm still going to have to go to work tomorrow.


that's better.

edit: my mummy fixed my oreo truffles; this is why i love her.

Thursday 20 August 2009


i have a confession.
okay, so to understand this you're going to have to know it all. it goes way back to when i was little.
when i was three my parents took my brother and i to Disneyland Paris. there were all these rides for little kids where you went into a building in a moving kart thing and characters from whichever Disney film would like pop-up. it terrified me. but considering we were barely two feet tall, there wasn't a lot else for us to do. and i'd confuse them for other rides and end up going on them again.
but because it scared me, i'd get this rush. i liked being scared.
and then as soon i was old enough to watch scary movies, i'd watch them. loads of them. all of them. then i made friends with people who hated scary movies because they were afraid of them. ah - the disappointment. so i had to bully them into watching them by pretending that i wasn't afraid and therefore they shouldn't be.
that was a lie.
the whole point of me enjoying horror films was that i was terrified of them. so the other night i was led in bed watching The Hills Have Eyes, an 18 rated movie, at midnight, in a pitch black room. and i was scared. more scared than i've ever been at a horror film. i had to turn it off. i've never done that before. i really wanted to watch it too. but there was just no way that was going to happen, i'd gone past the point of it being scary-fun.
and then i thought; am i getting old?

Wednesday 19 August 2009

wedding weather

it probably rains like 70% of the time here. but today, it is so lovely. it's one of the most perfect days weather-wise i've ever experienced in England. it's so sunny!
anyway, i've got a pretty busy month up ahead. i collect my gcse results next week (so heads up for an emotion filled post about that) then i have to enroll on the 3rd, i start college on the 14th and then have a wedding to go to the very saturday after.
i'm so excited about the wedding. i really love spending the day with extended family. it's just too fun to miss.

Monday 17 August 2009

i'm such a child

today, i went to finkley down farm park.
this is basically a farm which you can walk around, and pet the animals and feed them and stuff. it's for little children really. i took my cousin; we are both sixteen. it was awesome.they give you a little sticker to show you paid, and then there's activities to do throughout the day. like rodent & rabbit handling, pony grooming, chicken feeding etc. i liked watching the pony grooming the most. this one was called Whisper. she was beautiful, i love her.
i'm pretty sure everyone thought we were lost, considering we were the only teenagers there. it's not a big place, at all. but they have pigs, and cows, and chickens, and horses, and ducks, and rabbits, and geese, and calves, and guinea pigs, and llamas, and donkeys, and sheep, and lots and lots of goats.
they even have little buckets of animal food. and there are even signs showing you how to hold your hand out when feeding the animals. but because i'm a cheapskate i didn't get a cute little bucket, i used some of the dropped food to lure baby goats over. so did Kayleigh. she's so beautiful, and i love spending the day with my baby cousin. we have the best conversations about our friends and harry potter.
finally, i rode a stationary tractor. which, by the way, seemed a lot lot bigger when i was six. and the fact that it's not socially acceptable for me to play on a tire swing in front of human beings any more really didn't stop me.
so i really spend my day quite unlike most teenage girls, getting in touch with my childish side, on the farm.

Sunday 16 August 2009


today is one of those beautiful days where i just want to run barefoot through a forest.have a lovely sunday!

Saturday 15 August 2009

little letters.

dear dad.
i still find your jokes funny. i always will. i'm sorry i don't laugh at them anymore.

dear mum.
your cooking is the best. i know i don't always clear my plate at home and i do when we go somewhere else. this is not because i like their food any better. it is because you taught me to be polite.

dear little brother.
i like you more than i let on.

dear big cousin.
i admire you more than anyone else. i know i shouldn't crave to impress you, but i do. i want you to be proud of me.

dear friends.
you make me who i am. i love you for that. i'm sorry i don't spend enough time with you. i appreciate you all. i really do.

two things that annoy me. and one that won't.

today, i am irritated.

i worked. every dog i washed/dried/brushed/clipped/etc. was being stupid. really stupid. and some were nasty too.

i planned a post. i wrote the post. i took pictures for the post. but the lighting was so absolutely rubbish the photos looked terrible. and without the photos the post is deemed pointless.

so it doesn't seem like a lot when you put it in a list. but things bother me. especially after i had such a horrid day at work. ah well. nevermind.

oooh! today i bought my first lottery ticket. the estimated jackpot is £64 million. i'm pretty sure winning that would put me in a better mood. or in a coffin.

Wednesday 12 August 2009

college & my best friend

so, i get my gcse results in like two weeks time.

this doesn't scare me to be honest. it's just a bit of paper. and my irrational fears stretch no further than ceiling fans. but the fact that after i get my gcse results, i have to go to college. i have to go and enrol. and then i actually have to go. and i'm scared of that.

i don't really know why i'm afraid. i just am. i'm not even doing courses that i want to be doing. it just so happens that there isn't a 'blogger' or even a 'writing' course. and i know that sounds stupid. but it's like this. i don't know what i want to be doing in ten years time. so i've picked courses which leave my options open, yet point to englishy stuff. cause i like to write.

on the other side of the spectrum. there are going to be over one thousand people in my year. that's huge. that's obscene. i have spent the majority of my summer with less than ten people. whom i love, and i wouldn't have wanted to spend it with anyone else. but this is like a ten-thousand percent increase. and what's even worse, is that there are going to be people there from my secondary school who hate me. they'll blank me, and spread rumours. and i know i'm going to be subjected to that kind of childish antics. so it's going to be difficult to make friends from the word go. especially since i have this need to please people. which drives me mad.

the only godsend i have, is that my wonderful friend Elly is going to join me on this terrifying journey. and she's good for me, because she'll tell me to 'man-up' and to stop being a baby about it all. which is what i need really. i love this girl. we're more like sisters than anything else.

i say that because we argue. a lot. i mean, it's frightening. we disagree over even more. and when we fight. we don't do it by halves. there's screaming, there's bitching, there's tears. and then we ignore each other for a few days. remove each other from social networking sites. and just plain hate the other. and then someone says sorry. and we're miraculously best friends again. until next time. the fighting is always over boys. and she always ends up being right. somehow.

it really shows that no friendship is perfect. it's just like any other relationship. all it needs is time, work and love. and as much as a roller coaster as she has made my life, i still love her.

this was taken at the christmas fair at our secondary school two years ago. i stole santa's beard. it was sweaty.

Saturday 8 August 2009

irrelevant junk

i have bad news. and i have good news.
the bad news is that the before and after photographs for the fitness features, don't exist. i deleted them from the camera before i uploaded them.
i'm an idiot. feel free to throw things at me.
the good news. i can't tell you yet. it's a surprise. (a lame one, but one nonetheless, don't get your hopes up).

okay, so i used to have bright blond hair. and i used to love it. it wasn't natural, of course, i haven't been that blond since i was very little. but wow. some days i miss it. i've gone back to my natural colour now, with a few highlights. and its pretty long i guess. but there are times when i just want it cut all off and rainbow coloured. and i am deadly serious. however then i'd never be able to curl it. i love my hair when it's curly. it just takes forever with my dodgy old curlers. which are probably more likely to explode than aerosols with lighters. can anyone recommend some good curlers? preferably with a barrel larger than 2". thank yous.

in other news.
i don't understand, i've been back in the UK two days, and i'm already ill. i must have caught a cold from someone on the plane. i don't like it at all. along with the temperamental weather.
gosh, i miss the beach.

ps. i will at some point use this blog to do something worthwhile instead of jot down my thoughts with some pretty pictures.

Book #5: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - J.K. Rowling

so i said at the beginning of this feature that i would give a reason for every book on my list. i have several reasons for wanting to read this. number one would be that i read the half blood prince last year and loved it, like every other book in the series. and number two was because i had just seen the movie version of THBP, and it was good. really good.

a little disappointing compared with the novel, but in the realm of film, it was fantastic.
this book really seemed like a mission, six hundred pages, thirty-six whole chapters and a little extra. at first, even though i wanted to read it so desperately, i found the sheer size of the book daunting. it cast a great shadow over every other book i had available. yet once i picked it up, i found it somewhat attached to me. the first half of the book is shrouded in mystery with it's fair share of drama. it allowed me to read a couple of chapters every day and delve that little bit deeper into their magical world, discovering bit by bit my own expectations about the (what i suspected to be) great finale.
i hardly realised how quickly i had been dragged into the Potter world.
i can now understand the enthusiasm behind wizard rock music, Harry Potter fan-fiction and the simply magical gatherings which draw visitors from across the globe.
gatherings like Azkatraz and Leaky Con.
however, the last two hundred pages rendered me completely helpless to the strong grasp of the plot line. the story truly begins to unfold and is physically gripping. the book did not leave my sight. things you once thought were clear were once hidden in a thick mist. doors you thought wide open, only ajar. yet it makes sense. real, real sense.
each secret revealed is so much more encouraging and fascinating.
Rowling is a woman with an imagination stretching further than any i have ever witnessed. it's strange to think that one human, with little help, came up with the entire plot; for SEVEN books. including several towns, a whole new sport and unbelievable amounts more. maybe it's going overboard, maybe it's being pompous, arrogant and somewhat stupidly patriotic, but am i the only person linking J.K. Rowling to William Shakespeare? both English, both reaching all corners of the world, both writers who changed the face of writing forever. although I'm only expanding on a thought here, nothing more.
however, i can see, that in thirty years time, when the films are outdated and the books are hidden at the back of mum's and dad's closet, when the filmmakers are considering remakes, far more advanced than the originals, and the writer who began it all so many years ago sits reading quietly to her grandchildren. I can see those English school children studying it carefully, going over each page again and again. memorising the hidden theme of racism, the thoughts and feelings of every character and the expectations of good versus evil. just like a Shakespeare.
the book plays with the readers expectations like a cat with a desperate mouse. nevertheless it unfolds so perfectly, so poetically, with a simplicity that either confirms or denies your suspicions.
you can't help but love it.
there are some people who despise popular things only because of their popularity. they seek uniqueness and individuality. they might carefully avoid the trash which seeps into the media industry, popularized by humans with no taste, however they also miss out on the amazing things which somehow wriggle into the mainstream. it rarely happens, but when it does, the effect is catastrophically fantastic. i encourage the people who have tossed aside the Harry Potter franchise to simply take a few hours to read some of Rowling's chapters. they never know, they might like it.
i don't think i can praise this book much more; if the films are a quarter as good as the book, i will be a happy girl.

Thursday 6 August 2009

photo time!

i love this pool. and i love the way the flowers got in the way of the shot.
i had the balcony all to myself every single night. it's such a great place to just sit and think.
our little street. doesn't it look adorable?

our sea view. gosh. the house wasn't exactly on the coastline, however i'm like an hour away from the sea at home, so to me, it was beautiful.

my bedroom was a permanent mess, permanently. and i had two beds but only one mattress. weird right?

it doesn't matter how many clothes i bring with me, i can never choose what to wear.
my beautiful view of next doors balcony. they never used it though, so i could see the mountains all day long.

these mountains. boy, the houses on them were like palaces. and they overlooked the little rural village we stayed in, and soon, the brand new millionaires marina the nearby city has planned. so jealous.

Cyprus Diary

Saturday 7pm:
packing & packing & packing & packing and... oh what's this? oh yeah, more packing...
Sunday 4am: ie, the day of reckoning.
do i really need to say anything? if you've ever been up before anyone else in the world you'll know how creepy and unnecessary it is.
airport, terminal 5. it's very shiny and oddly quiet. not that i can currently appreciate either of these qualities because of my horrendous feeling of travel sickness. and now my father has started an argument with the people in front of us. excellent.
i just ate breakfast at a Gordon Ramsey restaurant... well i had a glass of water. still, pretty awesome right? and the massive HMV had some gorgeous Skullcandy headphones. if i had bought £50 i would have snapped them up in seconds. the pink ones in the bottom left corner are just so adorable. this place is just one huge shopping centre. i love it!
on the aeroplane. finally the horrid feeling of illness has gone. time to tuck into a dodgy English (plane) breakfast.
two hours to go. one episode of Sex and the City finished. along with a free Friends documentary thing. man, i feel rough. all my friends are just getting up when i've already been awake for seven hours...
in the rental car. luggage safely aboard. exhaustion hitting hard. nap time i think.
the water in the villas pool is hotter than most baths. apparently we've arrived in the middle of a heatwave. it's set to be 50 degrees centigrade tomorrow, this morning in England it was 12 degrees centigrade...
i can't believe how dedicated i am to my blog. writing at various points throughout a day i've been dreading all week. surely this shows you guys how much I really really do love you.
Monday 2pm:
boy is it hot. really hot. inexplicably hot. i'm already tanned and the pool is still like a bath, but i appreciate it so much more today. just like the fantastic air conditioning. the really good news is that i have the balcony i wanted. yes!
Wednesday 12 midday:
i should probably explain that all the times featured in this post are in fact in Greenwich Mean Time. because i couldn't be bothered to change the clock on my phone forward two hours. the tv is all in a completely indecipherable language apart from CNN. the DVD player doesn't work, and the fact that nowhere has wi-fi has pretty much driven me over the edge. if i get suncream in my eyes one more time, i will cry.
so i miss the internet a lot. i haven't gone this long without it for a year. what i wouldn't give to read one blog. watch ONE YouTube video. even trawl through some dire trash emails. i want to tweet and update facebook. i want to aimlessly stumble through the web. and google things when i want. i also want to post this NOW. not in a weeks time. i believe these are withdrawal symptoms from an unhealthy drug. i don't like it. at all. you'd think a house with mugs which say 'http error; coffee cannot be found' would at least have some sort of wi-fi.
i'm just bored. i don't have anything to do. it's not even the good kind of bored. the kind i like. it's the kind where i want to dwindle away the hours on msn. but i can't. i miss my friends.
Thursday 4pm:
the neighbours are pretty damned insistent on playing Michael Jackson; beat it, smooth criminal, billie jean, etc etc. you name it, they've played it. twice. but i think i've got over my internet withdrawal. the weather is beautiful. today was the first time in four days that i'd seen a cloud. i'm even getting used to the heat. and have perfected a way of tanning (no burns included). i have also gone a bit mad with my camera; i've taken photos of everything. i love holidays. even though they make me a tad schizo.
Friday 8am:
last night my brother was violently ill at a restaurant. all over the table. it was possibly the most embarrassing moment of my life. this wasn't the worst thing however. my dad took my brother home, leaving my myself and my mother to walk home. i was wearing five inch heels. i have the blisters to prove it. yowch!
at the beach! my gosh, it's incredibly glorious. the sea is that fictional turquoise you only ever see in movies. the sand is soft yet lethal with heat. the water is just indescribably gorgeous. i've never been in a sea so warm. the waves are gentle and rhythmical. it's just perfect.
tonight we found the most amazing restaurant, WITH wi-fi! i practically screamed and jumped out of my seat. and then i discovered that it was the worst wi-fi on the entire planet. i'm pretty used to being disappointed on the internet front, but that was a little mean. anyway. i love going to different countires because of their different cuisine. i've had calamari three times this week. you can never get squid in England, and when you do, it's nasty. and i had these HUGE whitebait as a starter, i've never seen them so big before. i really really like the fish here.
Saturday 6pm;
just a little drive they said. up to the mountains they said. one day i will learn that parents lie. i've just wasted four hours of my life going to the top of a mountain, surrounded by trees, so i couldn't see a god damned thing anyway. also, when i said (after three hours of winding roads) that the feeling of carsickness was too much, both of my parents said 'oh, we thought you'd grown out of that.' it's clear i'm completely ignored in this family. excellent.
Sunday 4pm:
this is what happens before i go out for dinner. i get a little too excited.
Monday 4pm:
we went to the water park! so everything cost a bomb, and there wasn't air conditioning, but i went on more rides in the last hour than in the entire day. it was also pretty clear that most of the lifeguards thought they were gods gift to women, although some of them looked like they could have been... and when one playfully splashed me, i couldn't resist returning the favour. after spending the past week with only leering old waiters paying me any "attention" it seemed perfectly adequate. however, i know the lifeguards do it to everyone, i'm not that naive. today, was fun.
Tuesday 9pm:
the final day was spent relaxing by the pool, in the pool and in the village. the restaurant, called The Elephant, had this two man band playing live Greek music, and then some dancers turned up too. it was utterly surreal. i felt like i'd stepped into a movie. loads of people got up and danced. since, i don't dance, i remained with my calamari. although i felt rotten when the waiter asked me to dance, and i said i couldn't. thankfully i pulled off the excuse that i hadn't brought my dancing shoes; i can barely walk in my six inchers, let alone dance. overall it was a beautiful evening, who knows, we might even come back again next year.
Wednesday! 12pm:
on the road to the airport, i cant believe i'm going home. driving back through the south of Cyprus, today i can really appreciate how gorgeous this island is. fantastic coastline one side, breathtaking mountains the other. as much as i miss England still, i just know I'm going to miss the weather and simplistic beauty of here. i can see why the British love it so much.
and nine hours later. after the horrendously busy airport the size of a mushroom, after the turbulent flight and hideous plane food, after an underground tube inside an airport. we finally got into the car. this morning i woke up in one of the hottest, most beautiful countries i have ever visited. tonight, i will go to sleep in the most selfish and temperamental weathered country in the world. but it's my home. and as much as it truely, truely pains me to say it, i love England. that statement goes against pretty much everything i stand for, considering i own a rather odd ring, with a bird on it, to signify that one day i will take fight and leave this country. however, for now, this country, is perfect; mainly because of the excellent 3G and wi-fi.

and finally...
i can post this! at 8:30 am on a thursday morning in August. (would you believe i've already been up for two hours?!) and boy. doesn't it feel weird that it's August already? apologies for the novel-length post. and i have some more photos to come later!