Tuesday 5 January 2010

i just posted this without a title. lol: EDIT

it's snowing really hard currently.
all of the other colleges in the surrounding area have shut.
except for mine.
i knew i should have gone to the local one.

anyway, so you know i have an exam next monday? well in my free periods at college i have been studying. not for maths. are you insane? no, i've been studying html codes. today, i was inspired by Chloé and made a favicon. that's the little picture on the tab - twitter for example, has a light blue 't', YouTube, has it's logo. and i made one. i've yet to try it out. i really want this new blog to look good.

my jewelry is supposed to arrive tomorrow morning. i bought some fake ear stretchers and some new belly bars. because all of a sudden i've become hardcore? i don't know, i wanted them, so i bought them, basically.

i really advise you never to buy a new game close to an exam. i downloaded tap tap revenge 3 over the weekend. i am addicted. i have already discovered Sparks the Rescue and Owl City through it. amazing bands.

and currently i have a small circular mark on my hand where a friend decided he was going to bite me, very hard, for about two minutes. that was three hours ago. i still have a mark.

anyway, enough about me.
how was your day?

1 Comment:

A "cheery" disposition said...

that stinks that your school is the only one opening.