Thursday 14 January 2010


you guyyyysssss.
you're all so friggen sweet.
i don't mean sweet as in:
i mean it like:
"he bought me flowers, it was sweet."

you know.

all the comments and followers and genuine love i've been getting from you guys, it makes me not want to change the blog. but it's happening. soon. this month maybe. just soon. so be prepared.

it doesn't mean i don't love you.
i love you more.


last night, for my dad's birthday (after the lunch at the empty pub) we went to see Avatar. now, i know how everyone goes on about how freaking-awesome-it-is-and-oh-my-gosh-it-was-so-good-i-went-to-see-it-twice-and-i-want-this-place-to-exist-and-i'm-going-into-a-depression-because-it-doesn't blahblahblah. i thought, technologically, it was flawless. the 3D was done supremely. the ideologies behind the film were, well, nice. it's the whole look after your planet thing. sort of Wall E meets Jurassic Park meets Pocahontas.
yes, i said Pocahontas. the storyline of people invading a foreign land in search of precious (expensive) metals, with the intention of either forcing the natives out of their homeland or murdering them. then one of the intruders falls for a native, and they begin an illegal romance. one of the influential tribe members is killed by the intruders, then all hell breaks loose and they call upon members from different tribes to come and help them fight for their homeland.

i'm not kidding you, it is exactly the same.
it was an okay movie though.
way too hyped for my liking.
but not as good as transformers, if i'm honest.

today was average. until we got on the bus home.
this really really drunk middle aged guy staggered onto the bus, laughing like a maniac. he stunk of liquor. and spent the entire journey talking to these 13 year old boys about illegal drugs, and taunting one of them because he was on crutches due to a skiing incident. it was just very unexpected for 5:30pm on a thursday afternoon/evening.

if i haven't said it before.
i live in such a delightful little town.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Hiya and happy birthday dad! so pleased to see more posts here, I can't wait for the new layout, I kind of imagine it to have some flowers in it, and to be like a kind of flower meadow. Yeah I keep hearing about avatar, i'm ment to go see it soon with my sister, I can't believe its as good as people say it is though all the hype behide it annoys me, the lastest thing is people who've just seen it but who can't take life in the outside world because its such a come down. The only time i've felt like that is after watching harry potter, so I think it will have to go some way to beat that.

bye bye anyway