Wednesday 27 January 2010

"Joe, get a life."

i have so much work to do.
i'm going to ignore it.

it's my birthday in like five days.

OMG. okay. i have to tell you.
my director has literally just text me.
"just a friendly reminder, you now have under 168 hours until the performance.
i replied
"Joe, get a life."

he's lovely, and he's concerned for our performance and all. but i think i've got my lines down now. and he needs to stop worrying. although, he's thinking of starting a theatre company, and somehow it came into conversation that i write, and he asked me if i'd written plays. i said i wouldn't mind having a shot at it, and if he was ever looking for someone, to call me. because i'd like to at least try.
we had like a set rehearsal today, where we just blocked some of the scenes with our actual set for the first time. and when moving out a sofa, there was a mis-communication, leaving me with a rather badly bruised hand. trapping it between a sofa and a wall? generally not a smart idea. generally painful.

in other news
Kayleigh and i trooped down to our little cinema, to see Toy Story 2. in 3D.
ohhh it was sooooo good. i love seeing films i'm familiar with in a cinema. the experience is all different and you notice things you wouldn't have noticed before. like when they're looking for Woody in Al's Toy Barn, Buzz turns a corner, and behind him is a load of A Bug's Life merchandise. i know that Disney cross reference a lot of things in their films, but that particular one i'd never picked up on before.
and Toy Story was just made to be in 3D. it always looked 3D, and it's the first time i've watched a 3D film without my eyes hurting before. i cannot physically wait for Toy Story 3.

and The Princess and the Frog comes out next friday. and Youth in Revolt.
and i'm getting 500 Days of Summer for my birthday!
i'm such a movie fan, it's unreal.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you have lots to do!