Wednesday 13 January 2010

snow day #4

today is my dad's birthday.
he is 45.
i told him that makes him old.
i don't think he appreciated that very much.

after another several inches of snowfall last night, the buses are being considerably temperamental, so i'm not going to college again (YES!). therefore, we are going out to lunch at a nearby pub, and then maybe off to the cinema to see Avatar - as i might just be the only person left on Earth who hasn't seen it? i don't know, it looks like a lot of over-grown smurfs to me. but that depends on the snow.
we are also the only people booked into the pub today. it looks like we're going to be waited on hand and foot. excellent!

i wish everyone doing exams this week good luck.
and travel safe.

also, you know Chloe and her comedy filled blog about married life? well, she's holding a giveaway until next monday - so get over there and enter. it's free, it's fast, what have you got to lose?

have a good wednesday!


Unknown said...

haha, I love your comment about Avatar! I seem to be the only person who hasn't seem it yet, all my friends went with their boyfriends and I don't particularly want to go on my own!

Lovely blog by the way :)

Anonymous said...

i love your blog,i love hearing what you have to say. x