Thursday 7 January 2010

snow days: part 2

so after all of the excitement that it snowed and look at all the snow and isn't it great? wahoo! i decided that i better get in some studying before i went out to play in it.
so i got up, showered, put my pj's back on, crawled back into bed and wrote an essay, planned and essay, edited another essay, got a considerable way through my literature reading and learnt a whole bunch of my lines. in like four hours.
snow clearly makes me super productive.
i really wanted to go out and play in the snow, but having my friends live between fifteen minutes and an hours walk away, it was just not probable, nor safe to walk that distance while it was still snowing. (and my parents didn't want me walking for an hour in it anyway, but that's a different story altogether).
i then got around to baking these really cute Percy pig cakes i got for christmas.

Percy pigs are these little sweets you get in the UK, they're like gummy sweets shaped like a pigs head. it sounds a lot weirder when you have to describe them, but trust me. they are addictively good.
the cups were only like an inch big, so we managed to eat all twelve within five minutes. they were good though.
and i web-chatted until the early hours of the morning - because that is always a good idea.

today, after receiving news yesterday evening that college was going to remain closed, i had an epic lie-in and watched transformers. second most favourite film ever. possibly first. i'd rather not choose.
and my jewelry came! huzzah! a new belly bar, a retainer for it, and two fake stretchers. one of the fake stretchers is broken though, and i don't know whether to send it back and ask for a replacement or not? decisions, decisions.
the buses are currently not running to my college, and if they're not tomorrow, it looks like i won't be going back to college until monday. which is good. but i seriously need to knuckle down to some math revision.

EDIT: they've just shut college tomorrow as well. oh freaking yes.


Anonymous said...

i wish we could have a snow day here! i am jealous :) i would love to stay home and watch movies!

S. said...

Gosh, I so wish it snowed over here :)