Friday 8 January 2010


i went out last night and had a bit of a snow fight with my brother.
it was less throwing snowballs, more kicking snow in his direction.
although i did get him right in the back of the neck.apologies for the quality - it was dark
if i'm ever going to use the word epic, this is where i'd use it.
i've probably used it before, but we'll gloss over that.

i also downloaded his Lady Gaga CD onto the computer last night. i know, i'm so mainstream. but, it's his CD? when he got it for christmas, my reaction was ".... did you ask for that?" apparently he did.

this is my third snow day. hurrah! i genuinely feel for all of those who still have to make their ways to school and work at this troublesome weather time. travel safely!

i plan to go out later and enjoy the snow with a friend, so i guess i better start putting layers on now.
in closing:

i love the french bit in 'Bad Romance'

ps: hello new readers/commenters/followers! i seem to be getting new followers on twitter too. i must be doing something right...


Anonymous said...

I'll be glad when its gone, i'm sick of it now, (I think i've been kicking the snow for different reasons) at least some of schools are open again, life has to go on.

I asked for Lady Gaga for my birthday, (hopefully that dosen't mean i'll get pelted with a snowball here!)

A Day in the Life of a Teenage Girl said...

i've never seen snow
it doesn't snow where i live in Australia...and its summer right now
I like your blog so I shall follow it
cheers, pixii xox.