Saturday 23 January 2010

i'm so materialistic.

i bought some new clothes yesterday!
about time really.

three tops, a dress, a pair of shoes, and some new footless tights. i still need some warm jumpers, and shoes. oh, and i've just noticed a hole in my skinny jeans. so another pair of those too.
i'm so materialistic.
i hate that about me.

i had such a lovely time with Kayleigh. it was about time we had an old fashioned catch up. there's nothing quite like sitting in a cafe with a warm drink and a best friend. especially when it's raining and horrid outside, and all you need is those few hours to turn your nasty week into a perfect one.

i had to ask for next saturday off work because of my stupid drama rehearsals.
we're performing in a week and a half.
i still don't know my lines.

i really didn't want to take saturday off work. it's the last saturday before my birthday, and i would much much much rather spend it with Emma and Laura than at college. that's not fun.

i'm currently watching this really cheesily produced show called 'So You Think You Can Dance'. oh my gosh, i wish i was as talented as these people. my dancing is horrific. so much so, that i don't dance. and i'd love to be that flexible.
we have a gym at our college, and i'm really tempted to get an induction, learn to use it, and then use it. but i'm unbelievably unfit, it's embarrassing.

maybe i'll just have to get my exercise walking to the sweet shop.